Sample Stock Market Index Funds and ETFs

< 1 min read

Below is a list of sample index funds and ETFs that correspond with Asset Camp’s stock indexes, allowing you to invest based on your stock index research.

These ETFs and index mutual funds can be purchased through your preferred brokerage.

In selecting sample ETFs and index funds, we focus on vehicles with the lowest expense ratios. We also include options that hedge currency exposure for U.S. dollar investors. We also include UCITS options for investors located outside of the U.S.

*Some of the stock indexes we track don’t have single corresponding index funds or ETFs. In these cases, we explain how to replicate the tracked index by listing percentage weights of multiple funds and ETFs found on this list.

TickerExpense Ratio
ACWI All Country World
Vanguard Total World Stock Market ETFVT0.07%
Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund Admiral SharesVTWAX0.10%
SPDR Portfolio MSCI Global Stock Market ETFSPGM0.09%
Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETFVWRL0.22%
AC Americas
No Dedicated ETFs or Index Funds that combine all of America
Can replicate with 94% USA ETF, 5% Canada ETF, and 1% Latin America ETF
AC Asia
No Dedicated ETFs or Index Funds that track both developed and emerging Asia
Can replicate with 64% AC Asia Pacific Ex Japan ETF and 36% Japan ETF
AC Asia Pacific Ex Japan
iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan ETFAAXJ0.69%
AC Europe
No dedicated ETFs or Index Funds
that invest in both developed and emerging Europe
See list of Europe ETFs and Emerging Europe ETFs
AC World Ex USA
Vanguard Total International Stock ETFVXUS0.07%
Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETFVEU0.08%
Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Admiral SharesVTIAX0.11%
ACWI Small Cap
iShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETFWSML0.35%
The two ETFs listed above do not have emerging markets exposure.
See list of emerging markets small cap ETFs
or combine VSS ETF with USA small cap ETFs
ACWI ex USA Small Cap
Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US Small-Cap ETFVSS0.07%
iShares MSCI World ETFURTH0.24%
iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETFSWDA0.20%
World ex U.S.
SPDR Porfolio Developed World Ex-US ETFSPDW0.04%
Dimensional International Core Equity Market ETFDFAI0.18%
iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETFIEFA0.07%
Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETFVEA0.05%
iShares Currency Hedged MSCI EAFE ETFHEFA0.35%
iShares Core MSCI Europe ETFIEUR0.09%
Vanguard FTSE Europe ETFVGK0.11%
WisdomTree Europe Hedged Equity ETFHEDJ0.58%
Franklin European Equity UCITS ETFFREQ0.25%
WisdomTree Europe Equity UCITS ETF – USD HedgedHEDK0.58%
Europe ex U.K.
FTSE Developed Europe ex UK UCITS ETFVERX0.10%
iShares MSCI Europe ex-UK UCITS ETFIEUX0.40%
Vanguard FTSE Pacific ETFVPL0.08%
iShares Core MSCI Pacific ETFIPAC0.09%
Pacific ex-Japan
JPMorgan BetaBuilders Developed Asia Pacific ex-Japan ETFBBAX0.19%
iShares MSCI Pacific ex Japan ETFEPP0.47%
Vanguard FTSE Developed Asia Pacific ex Japan UCITS ETFVAPX0.15%
iShares Core MSCI Pacific ex-Japan UCITS ETFCPXJ0.20%
World ex USA Growth
iShares MSCI EAFE Growth ETFEFG0.36%
JP Morgan International Growth ETFJIG0.55%
World ex USA Value
Dimensional International Value ETF DFIV0.27%
iShares International Value Factor ETFIVLU0.30%
iShares MSCI EAFE Value ETFEFV0.34%
World ex USA Small Cap
Schwab International Small-Cap Equity ETFSCHC0.11%
iShares International Small-Cap Equity Factor ETFISCF0.23%
Dimensional International Small Cap ETFDFIS0.39%
iShares Currency Hedged MSCI EAFE Small Cap ETFHSCZ0.42%
iShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETFWSML0.35%
World ex USA Small Cap Growth
No dedicated ETFs or index funds in this category.
There are active mutual funds in the space.
World ex USA Small Cap Value
iShares International Developed Small Cap Value Factor ETFISVL0.30%
Avantis International Small Cap Value ETFAVDV0.36%
Avantis International Small Cap Value FundAVDVX0.36%
Emerging Markets
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETFVWO0.08%
iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETFIEMG0.09%
iShares Currency Hedged MSCI Emerging Markets ETFHEEM0.69%
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETFIEEM0.18%
Emerging Asia
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Asia ETFEEMA0.49%
SPDR S&P Emerging Asia Pacific ETFGMF0.49%
Emerging Europe and Middle East
Xtrackers MSCI EM Europe, Middle East & Africa ESG Swap UCITS ETFXMEAM0.65%
Emerging Latin America
Franklin FTSE Latin America ETFFLLA0.19%
iShares Latin America 40 ETFILF0.47%
iShares MSCI EM Latin America UCITS ETFLTAM0.74%
Emerging Markets Growth
Invesco S&P Emerging Markets Momentum ETFEEMO0.29%
Emerging Markets Value
Avantis Emerging Markets Value ETFAVES0.36%
Dimensional Emerging Markets Value ETFDFEV0.43%
Emerging Markets Small Cap
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap ETFEEMS0.70%
SPDR®MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap UCITS ETFSPYX0.55%
Frontier Markets
iShares MSCI Frontier and Select EM ETFFM0.80%
Global X Next Emerging & Frontier ETFEMFM0.55%
Xtrackers S&P Select Frontier Swap UCITS ETFXSFR0.95%
iShares MSCI Australia ETFEWA0.50%
Franklin FTSE Australia ETFFLAU0.09%
iShares MSCI Australia UCITS ETFSAUS0.50%
iShares MSCI Canada ETFEWC0.50%
JPMorgan BetaBuilders Canada ETFBBCA0.19%
Franklin FTSE Canada ETFFLCA0.09%
iShares MSCI Canada UCITS ETFCCAU0.48%
iShares MSCI China ETFMCHI0.58%
SPDR S&P China ETFGXC0.59%
Franklin FTSE China ETFFLCH0.19%
iShares MSCI China UCITS ETFICHN0.28%
iShares MSCI France ETFEWQ0.53%
Franklin FTSE France ETFFLFR0.09%
iShares MSCI France UCITS ETFIFREX0.25%
iShares MSCI Germany ETFEWG0.50%
Global X DAX Germany ETFDAX0.21%
Franklin FTSE Germany ETFFLGR0.09%
WisdomTree Germany Hedged Equity ETFDXGE0.48%
Vanguard Germany All Cap UCITS ETFVGER0.10%
iShares MSCI India ETFINDA0.64%
Franklin FTSE India ETFFLIN0.19%
WisdomTree India Earnings ETFEPI0.84%
iShares MSCI India UCITS ETFNDIA0.65%
iShares MSCI Japan ETFEWJ0.50%
JPMorgan BetaBuilders Japan ETFBBJP0.19%
Franklin FTSE Japan ETFFLJP0.09%
WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity ETFDXJ0.48%
iShares MSCI Japan UCITS ETFCSJP0.48%
iShares MSCI Switzerland ETFEWL0.50%
Franklin FTSE Switzerland ETFFLSW0.09%
Xtrackers Switzerland UCITS ETF 1D0.30%
United Kingdom
iShares MSCI United Kingdom ETFEWU0.50%
Franklin FTSE United Kingdom ETF FLGB0.09%
iShares Currency Hedged MSCI UK ETFHEWU0.50%
Vanguard Total Stock Market ETFVTI0.03%
Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund AdmiralVTSAX0.04%
Fidelity ZERO Total Market Index FundFZROX0.00%
iShares Core S&P Total U.S. Stock Market ETFITOT0.03%
Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETFSCHB0.03%
USA Growth
Vanguard Growth ETFVUG0.04%
Schwab U.S Large Cap Growth ETFSCHG0.04%
iShares Core USG Growth ETFIUSG0.04%
LYXOR Russell 1000 Growth UCITS ETFRUSG0.19%
USA Value
Vanguard Value ETFVTV0.04%
Schwab U.S Large Cap Value ETFSCHV0.04%
iShares Core USG Value ETFIUSV0.04%
Dimensional US Marketwide Value ETFDFUV0.22%
iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETFIUVL0.20%
USA Mid Cap
Vanguard Mid-Cap ETFVO0.04%
Schwab US Mid-Cap ETFSCHM0.04%
iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETFIJG0.05%
SPDR S&P 400 U.S. Mid Cap UCITS ETFSPY40.30%
USA Mid Cap Growth
Vanguard Mid-Cap Growth ETFVOT0.07%
iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap Growth ETFIMCG0.06%
Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Growth ETFIVOG0.15%
USA Mid Cap Value
Vanguard Mid-Cap Value ETFVOE0.07%
iShares Morningstar Mid-Cap Value ETFIMCV0.06%
Vanguard S&P Mid-Cap 400 Value ETFIVOV0.15%
USA Small Cap
Schwab US Small-Cap ETFSCHA0.04%
Vanguard Small-Cap ETFVB0.05%
SPDR Russell 2000 Small Cap UCITS ETFZPRR0.30%
USA Small Cap Growth
Vanguard Small-Cap Growth ETFVBK0.07%
iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Growth ETFISCG0.06%
USA Small Cap Value
Vanguard Small-Cap Value ETFVBR0.07%
iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Value ETFISCV0.06%
SPDR MSCI USA Small Cap Value Weighted UCITS ETFZPRV0.30%

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